
Customer Testimonials


+ Orica Canada

"Our internal IT organization said it would take at least 6 months to complete our project and it was still not going to include everything I needed. Whitsell Consulting delivered everything I asked for and more in just 6 weeks."
"If only my own employees were this dedicated..."
+ Nortel Networks

"You have the fastest turnaround out of all the service providers I've ever worked with!"
+ Family Business Network

"Whitsell Consulting was the key to our success."
+ Frito-Lay

"The Sales Force Automation tool Whitsell Consulting designed for us has saved my team over 50 hours a week.  We were able to recoup our cost for the application in no time.  The real benefit however, is that I can see how my team is performing real-time and has not added any extra effort on my staff. They say it is the easiest tool they have ever used and are very happy they do not have to provide me with weekly reports anymore.  I can get them directly from the application with the click of a button."
+ Nortel Networks

"I have had many people saying that our site looks great. Thanks. You did a great job!"
+ eFilms, Inc.

"Thanks again. Ps... Don't you ever sleep????"
+ Orica Australia

"I wanted to comment on the new database for a/r. After receiving the dispute and linking to the database, I found it to the point, simple and easy to respond."
+ Orica USA

"Thank you for helping us so quickly. I really appreciate your help."
+ United States Department of Interior

"You are a rock star!"
+ Entrex

"Boy, you guys don't ever make mistakes do you?"
+ ADS Data Systems

"We took your advice and hired Whitsell Consulting to do our website for us. What great people!"
"I know you have the talent and expertise. So far, I have LOVED working with you guys. You're the best!"
+ Samson Tug & Barge